Nicole’s Notes

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5 Tips to Help Refresh Your Yoga Practice this Spring

Spring is in the air, and it’s the perfect time to shake off the winter blahs and give our yoga practices a refresh. I’ve gathered some simple tips to help us renew our practice this season: 1. Try something new! Whether it’s a different style of yoga, a new instructor, or a different space than…

Ideas to Help Cope With Isolation

I don’t have any profound words of wisdom to share, but I did want to write a quick post about some things I am doing to keep a sense of normalcy in my life. Like almost everyone else, I am experiencing living in near isolation for the first time in my life. As someone who…

Tropical Smoothie

If you are looking for a simple smoothie recipe that is delicious and satisfying, with a tropical feel, you’ve come to the right place. The measurements are approximate, and the recipe is flexible – feel free to add or remove anything that you want! Ingredients: Raw spinach – 1 cup loosely packedFrozen strawberry slices –…

Raspberry Chocolate Smoothie

If you are looking for a simple smoothie recipe that is delicious and satisfying, you’ve come to the right place. The measurements are approximate, and the recipe is flexible – feel free to add or remove anything that you want! Ingredients: Raw spinach – 1 cup loosely packed Frozen raspberries – 1 cup Frozen strawberry…

Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie

If you are looking for a simple smoothie recipe that is delicious and satisfying, you’ve come to the right place. The measurements are approximate, and the recipe is flexible – feel free to add or remove anything that you want! Ingredients: Raw spinach – 1 cup loosely packed Frozen strawberry slices – 1/2 cup (trust…

Metta Meditation (Lovingkindness Meditation)

One of my favourite styles of meditation (and one that I think is accessible and easy to understand) is Metta meditation. I first learned of this style a little over 5 years ago, and loved it right from the start. Essentially it is a Buddhist practice of cultivating a gentle and warm-hearted feeling to yourself…

Coming Soon – Yoga Retreats!

I have loved travelling ever since I was a kid. I got my first paper route when I was 10 so that I could save up enough money to fly to Alberta to visit my aunt, uncle and cousin when I found out they were moving there. By the time I was 12 I had…

My Top 3 Yoga Books for Curious Yoga Practitioners

You may have started practicing yoga for any number of reasons: maybe you wanted to become more flexible or more fit, maybe you heard that it was good for lowering stress or helping you sleep, or maybe you have a friend who loved it and urged you to try it. Either way, after attending a…

Spinning Babies

Last weekend I went to one of the best workshops I have attended in a long time – Spinning Babies. For those of you who have never heard of Spinning Babies before, it is a system of movements that are used during pregnancy to promote optimal fetal positioning, and during labour to make giving birth…

Online Private Yoga Classes

I am now offering private online classes via Skype and/FaceTime! This is a trial run to see how well they work, so for now I have set up only a few time slots, and a very simple pay-as-you-go system. If everything works well, I will be looking at offering additional options in the future, so…

Why I Love Early Morning Yoga

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of early morning classes. There are so many great reasons to practice asana, pranayama and meditation before diving into the rest of your day. When I first started practicing in the mornings, it was because that was the only time I could make it to the studio…

I’m A Lamaze Online Partner!

Lamaze International is a nonprofit organization that promotes a natural, healthy, and safe approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenting. Lamaze education and practices are based on the best and most current medical evidence available and help women advocate for the pregnancy and childbirth they want and deserve. Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators, working closely with…

Crafting a Yoga Asana Practice at Home

Yoga is a very personal practice, and requires deep self exploration and reflection. It is a practice that requires consistent dedication. Attending group classes is a good way to learn about the different poses in yoga, and is a good way to begin investigating the way that your body moves and the way that it…

Why I Am No Longer a Member of Yoga Alliance

For a long time, I was a firm believer in the Yoga Alliance and I’m not sure why. I practiced yoga for years before deciding to become a teacher, and never thought to ask any of my teachers if they were registered with YA; I didn’t even know what that was. If I asked anything,…

How Can Prenatal Yoga Classes Help During Labour?

You may have heard about some of the benefits of prenatal yoga during pregnancy, but did you know that those benefits can extend into labour? When I have the opportunity to chat with someone who has taken my prenatal yoga classes and then given birth, I often hear that this technique or that technique from class…

New CDC Guidelines on Alcohol Consumption While Breastfeeding

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released new guidelines for alcohol consumption while breastfeeding. These guidelines indicate that while not drinking at all is the safest option, moderate alcohol consumption (1 standard drink per day) is not known to be harmful to infants. They do recommend allowing 2 hours after alcohol consumption before breastfeeding,…

Should I Visit a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist?

Did you know that somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 women in North America experience some form of pelvic floor dysfunction? And did you know that there are physiotherapists who train specifically to help heal these dysfunctions? Pregnancy can bring on or exacerbate many pelvic floor issues, however it is possible for anyone to have dysfunction.…

Heartburn in Prenatal Yoga

One of the most frequent discomforts I hear about during pregnancy is heartburn. It is caused by the hormone progesterone, which slows digestion, and by the baby growing and pressing on the internal organs, reducing the amount of space available. I am often asked is how to reduce heartburn in prenatal yoga, and if yoga…

Setting Up For Successful Breastfeeding

Many people are nervous about breastfeeding, the most common concern being milk supply. Many things can encourage milk production and successful breastfeeding. Most birth professionals will agree on a few key factors that will make the transition from pregnancy to breastfeeding postpartum simpler. Minimal Intervention During Birth Some interventions are medically necessary, while some are…

Should I Visit a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist?

Did you know that somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 women in North America experience some form of pelvic floor dysfunction? And did you know that there are physiotherapists who train specifically to help heal these dysfunctions? Many pelvic floor issues can be brought on or exacerbated by pregnancy, however it is possible for anyone to…

Reasons to Practice Prenatal Yoga

There are many benefits to prenatal yoga, some of which are the same as general yoga benefits, and some of which are specific to prenatal yoga. Here are just a few: Take time to move your body in a way that helps relieve common pregnancy aches and pains Practice focusing on the present moment, and…

What is a Doula?

In honour of World Doula Week, I thought I would write a short post about what doulas do. As you can see from the picture, the main role of a doula is to support someone through pregnancy, birth and/or the postpartum period. We provide emotional and educational support to a birthing person and that person’s…

Downward Facing Dog – Resting Pose?

One of the simplest and most complicated poses. Requiring strength and flexibility, balance, breath control and stamina. And yet, it looks so straightforward, and many teachers call it a resting pose. For most people this pose is safe to practice through most of pregnancy, although it should generally be avoided or modified for high or…

Pose Feature – Extended Side Angle

Our feature pose this morning is extended side angle or (utthita parsvakonasana in Sanskrit). This has always been one of my favourite poses because of its versatility… it can be done so many different ways, and it has so many different benefits.

Savasana in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, laying or sleeping on your back is not recommended, because it can negatively impact the blood flow to the baby in utero. If you are a regular practitioner of yoga, you will know that your practice usually begins or ends with savasana, a pose that involves laying flat on your back for an…

Hearty Vegetable Soup

I love this soup, because it can be whipped up quickly on the stove, or simmered all day in a crockpot. It has all the good stuff – veggies, protein, grains, and that ability to warm you from the inside out. Ingredients 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 small cooking onion, chopped finely 1 large carrot,…

Slowing Down Your Yoga Practice During Pregnancy

During this time of so much activity – baby showers, setting up the nursery, figuring out how to use a car seat, stockpiling diapers and more, taking some time for yourself and slowing things down can be so beneficial.

Back Bending During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles and connective tissues are subjected to a lot of stress as the baby grows. As well, the lumbar spine (lower back) moves into a deeper curve as the pregnancy progresses…

Gentle Core Work

Today in Mom and Baby Yoga we spent some time chatting about diastasis recti and exercises that we should avoid. This is an example of a gentle core exercise that is safe for most cases of diastasis. Use the exhale breath for each movement, and pause in between to inhale. As you exhale, focus on…

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga is a wonderful complement to more vigorous movement practices, such as weight lifting, hatha or vinyasa yoga, running, etc. because it is all about taking time to slow down. Where these more vigorous practices are faster moving, warming practices, yin yoga is cooling and very slow. Poses in yin yoga are held typically…

Setting Your Intention

As 2017 winds to a close, and 2018 approaches, this is a great time to look back at the year that has passed and set new goals and intentions for the year ahead.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga – Part 3

Asana, the third limb of yoga is the practice of movement and postures. This is what most people think of when they think of yoga, but in fact, it is a very small part of the overall practice.

How to Make the Best Salads

If you are anything like me, you may like the idea of eating salads… they’re healthy, have lots of great nutrients, are quick to throw together and very portable. But, if you are anything like me, you don’t actually find a typically salad to be very filling and satisfying. Here are some tricks I’ve learned…

Yoga Sequence for Upper Back and Shoulders

Whether you have tried yoga before or not, this is a great simple sequence that you can practice from the comfort of your own home to stretch and relax. Safe during pregnancy.

The 8 Limbs of Yoga – Part 2

These observances are designed to prepare us to stop the fluctuations of our minds – the ultimate goal of yoga according to Patanjali’s sutras.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA) is very common during pregnancy (30 – 60% of women will experience this condition during or after pregnancy). Essentially, the linea alba is continuously stretched, and gradually loses tension, allowing the muscle bellies of rectus abdominus to separate.

Veggie Burrito Bowl

Whenever I bring leftovers from this meal to work, I always get questions about how I made it, and comments about how great it smells.

Pose Breakdown – Legs up the Wall

…Legs Up the Wall (viparita karani in Sanskrit). It is great to practice if you’ve been on your feet a lot and your legs are tired, or if you’ve been sitting a lot. 

The 8 Limbs of Yoga – Part 1

If you have been practicing yoga in a studio, you may not know that there is much more to the practice than simply the shapes we make with our bodies.

The Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

You may or may not have heard of “earthing” or “grounding”, a practice that involves connecting the body directly with the ground to help balance a variety of issues. Without going into too much detail, essentially this is accomplished by walking barefoot or sitting on the ground, allowing electrons to move freely between the ground…

Less is More

I am a big fan of using props such as blocks and straps in my practice and in the classes I teach. Oftentimes when I suggest a prop for a pose to a class, I notice a reluctance to reach for it, or at least to be the first person to do so. When I…

Tips for Making it to Early Morning Yoga

If you’re not used to waking up early and getting your day started by moving your body, making it to a 6:00 am yoga class can definitely be a challenge. The benefits outweigh the difficulty by far, but when the alarm rings bright and early, that can be hard to keep in mind. Luckily, there…

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